Saturday, August 10 The Holy Rosary on Saturday @ 3:30pm
Sunday, August 11 The Holy Rosary on Sunday @ 5:30pm 9:00am—Holy Name Society Mass / Coffee and Donuts after Mass (Church)
(The Holy Rosary, Monday-Friday, @ 6:35am)
Monday, August 12 6:30pm—Legion of Mary Meeting (Vincent Hall)
Tuesday, August 13 6:00pm—Holy Hour—Confessions 6:10pm-6:50pm (Church)
Wednesday, August 14 6:00pm Vigil Mass—The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) (Church) 7:30pm—Choir Practice (Church)
Thursday, August 15 - Holy Day of Obligation 7:00am Mass - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Church) 6:00pm Mass—The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Church) PARISH OFFICE CLOSED
Saturday, August 17 The Holy Rosary on Saturday @ 3:30pm
Sunday, August 18 The Holy Rosary on Sunday @ 5:30pm
(The Holy Rosary, Monday-Friday, @ 6:35am)
Monday, August 19 1:00pm – Rose Petals Meeting (Vincent Hall) 6:30pm—Legion of Mary Meeting (Vincent Hall)
Tuesday, August 20 6:00pm—Holy Hour (Church)
Wednesday, August 21 7:30pm—Choir Practice (Church)